
Major Coin Ripoff in Sunday Paper



In a full-page ad in the sunday Columbus Disgrace, "World Reserve Monetary Exchange" is peddling grossly overpriced dollar coins which should be available at any bank for face value.

Their deal is $124 "vault release fee" +shipping for two rolls in one plastic tube, plus a FREE coin. They come in a fancy gold foil box called "heavy vault bricks" (425 net grams, about 15 ounces). "They are so heavy they feel like solid bars of .999 pure gold. So be careful, you may need both hands to pick them up."

Conventional bars of gold in real vaults weigh 400 ounces, not 15. And if you need both hands to pick up a one pound box, I suggest you spend your money on vitamins, not throw it away on coins.

If you don't happen to have a copy of the paper handy, you can also get screwed at their website . If you don't have the claim authorization, you pay $142, tho.

If you're into paying $73 + shipping for a codbod box and a bunch of coins which will in all likelihood never be worth more than face value, have at.

After all someone has to pay for an ad that prolly costs $10,000+.

Better hurry, the main page of the website says only 4553 days,11 hours, 42 minutes and change left out of the 48/72 hour ordering period.
